>your missing my point...
>so, does that require on the job experience... i do not think so.

You shouldn't be allowed to vote:)

>rest of the country knows, shit, hundreds of thousands of germans
>know, and im sure
>many more in many other countries, and when they can see that they
>have some solidarity
>with us and finally we are voting out the crap and puttin in the
>man... the perception of
>the USA in the world theatre will change, they will say... hmmm, maybe 
>are not so fnckin dumb after all

This is actually pretty funny.

Germany had free rock concerts before and after Obama, just like in Oregon. 

Why didn't he visit the military hospital in Germany?
France isn't excited about him visiting.
Britain is making fun of him.

Now his conservative supporter says he jumped the shark:


[H]e has grown accustomed to putting on this sort of saccharine show for the 
rock concert masses, and in Berlin his act jumped the shark. His words drift 
far from reality, and not only when talking about the Senate Banking Committee. 
His Berlin Victory Column treacle would have made [Reinhold] Niebuhr sick to 
his stomach.

Obama has benefited from a week of good images. But substantively, optimism 
without reality isn’t eloquence. It's just Disney.

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