Since you are such a fan of WIkipedia:

What does Obama want? He wants to take most of the profits from the
people at the top of the wage/investment profit scale and give it to
everyone else. Socialist economics - take profits from capitalists,
because they are evil and don't deserve their rewards. They earned
those reward off the backs of the worker- isn't that the heart of
socialism? Of course it is, and it is what Obama believes.

What he totally fails to understand is that punitive taxes against the
rich never work. They discourage investment (by the rich, who are the
ones with the money to invest) and ultimately lead to economic malaise
and falling standards of living for everyone.

The Democratic leadership in Congress lately has been demonstrating
its dislike of market economics, suggesting oil companies should be
punished with punitive taxes for being profitable (one of Obama's
favorite plans), all the while moaning about how their isn't enough
oil to go around. The oil companies are going to need those profits to
explore for more oil, but that never seems to occur to people who
don't have a solid grasp of basic economics.

You can whine and moan all you want about right-wing nuts, but that
doesn't changes the facts- Obama is a socialist. Not a hard, old
school planned economics kind of socialist, but a socialist

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Larry  wrote:
>>Obama is a future communist to people on the right.
> To me it just shows how devoid of ideas and solutions that the right wingnuts 
> are. Instead of debating the ideas they scream "He's a commie" "He's a 
> socialist" without having real clue what those terms mean. They've been so 
> over propagandized that any original thinking is alien to them.

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