> -----Original Message-----
> From: Maureen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:16 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: new search engine challenging Google
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 9:30 PM, Jim Davis
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>
> > For example why can't I simply tell Google to never, ever bring me
> results
> > from "Experts Exchange" since I truly hate their business model?
> This is a
> > simple black list.  Why can't I review my recent searches, and,
> especially
> > those sites I selected?  I know they track this information... why
> can't I
> > use it?
> I know it's not what you're asking for but you can exclude them on
> each search by typing "experts exchange" on the advanced search page
> in the field for
> : But don't show pages that have...
> any of these unwanted words:  "experts exchange"

Yeah... but that's tedious, provides tons of false positives and wouldn't
work with a lot of sites (I hate Syscon and their nosy damn ads as well).

A simple black list would do most of what I want, but it could be more
complex.  For example I might be able to create rankings of sites: I might
never want to see "Experts Exchange" pages (since they purposefully
obfuscate) but I might accept a Syscon page is there's nothing else.

I might also raise the rank of some sites (say Microsoft's technical
library, which I really like) so that they appear higher than others (say
W3C schools, which I like, but not as much as MS).

For that matter why can't I create my own search groups?  I would like to
create a group called "JavaScript Documentation" which includes perhaps,
only MSDN's technical docs, Mozilla technical docs and W3C Schools.  I might
then have another group called "JavaScript Technical" which includes many
JavaScript forums (and automatically merges in USEnet results) for more
general questions.

> If you're logged in, your recent searches show on the iGoogle page.
> At least mine do.

Recent searches do - but my browser does that all by itself whether I'm
logged in or not.  I'm talking about actually letting me see the search
(including when I did it) AND what pages I actually clicked.  As in "I found
the right page yesterday in Google but now I can't... I know it was on the
first page of responses!"

They DO (anonymously) track all of this: I would just be asking for personal
use of that data I generated.

Even iGoogle falls into the same trap that so many others have: create a
system so customizable that it falls basic usability principles.
Customization doesn't excuse sins of interface design, it just shuffles them

Personally I've gravitated to sites with better UIs even when I know the
quality of content isn't the "best" (quality of content is important, but
not as important to me).  I've been very impressed with Comcast.net's
recently redesign consumer portal.  Very customizable, but useful and
functional right out of the box as well.  MSNBC also has its benefits
although it's not as customizable.

iGoogle clearly has the technology behind it but fails to provide a
compelling UI without work.  Even after work Google's blind insistence on
maintaining their Spartan search interface means that a large percentage of
my workspace remains dead space.  I also truly dislike it's propensity for
opening new windows (although in this each "gadget" tends to do whatever it

Again, I love Google.  But they're pushing forward on so many fronts that I
still feel, very strongly, that they've allowed their basic search
functionality to stagnate.

So I like to try new engines as they appear and see what others think.  I'm
not getting a warm and fuzzy from this particular entry, but that doesn't
mean they shouldn't try.

Jim Davis

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