The passage of the 14th Amendment, much like the 13th Amendment, was also along 
partisan lines. In the House, it passed 138 to 36. Of the 134 Republicans in 
the House, 128 (96%) voted to provide civil rights to former slaves; of the 36 
Democrats, none (0%) voted to give civil rights to African Americans; and of 
the 11 third-party representatives, 10 (91%) voted in favor of racial civil 

In the Senate, the vote was 33 to 11. Of the 32 Republican Senators, 30 (94%) 
voted for the measure; of the 6 Democrats, none (0%) voted for civil rights; 
and of the 6 others, 3 (50%) voted for racial civil rights.44 

As the civil rights secured on the federal level began to move forward across 
the nation, Democrats worked hard at the State level to regain control of the 
State legislatures and halt the progress made by blacks and Republicans. To 
support this effort, a Democrat constituency group was formed to fight both 
blacks and Republicans. The name of this group? The Ku Klux Klan.45 In fact, 
extensive hearings held by the U. S. Congress in 1868 document the role of the 
KKK in working with southern Democrats to halt voting by blacks. 

(As an aside, during those congressional hearings, witness Robert Flournoy 
testified to a fact unknown by many today: "I am a considerable sort of a Negro 
man and talk with the Negroes wherever I go. I have never met in all my 
intercourse with the Negroes of Mississippi but one single Negro who professed 
to be a Democrat, and that was in the town of Oxford. He was a waiter in a 
hotel, and he informed me that he was a Democrat. I tried to convert him and 
failed, and left him a Democrat.")46

In response to the efforts of the KKK and of Democrats in the Southern States, 
the 15th Amendment - the final of the three post-Civil War civil rights 
amendments - was passed in 1870 to guarantee to African-American males the 
right to vote (the first ever expansion in federal voting rights). And just 
like the two previous civil rights Amendments, the 15th also passed along 
partisan lines.47 

>That's wrong.  Bedford Forrest was not among the 6 men who founded the
>klan.  It was already established before he became aware of it.   The
>political party and masonic affliation of the founding members is
>unknown.  The only known affliation is that they were former
>Confederate soldiers.

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