Open a window and let the smoke clear.

Now are you really going to say the Chairman of the Senate banking
commity had no effect on the crisis but the President twisted
Greenspans arm and forced him to lower rates?

Is the world that foggy to you?

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 5:03 PM, denstar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Give it a rest, Gruss!  THERE IS NO CONNECTION.
> Everything bad is coincidence, and the good stuff was done on purpose,
> at the right time.
> It's quite a simple formula, really, and quite popular.
> Accountability only factors in when you're a low head on the totem
> pole (also part of the formula).
> If "we" don't hold 'em to it, none will.
> Not that that is a bad thing... weren't we talking about resistance to
> change earlier?
> --
> You take the good / you take the bad  / and there you have
> the facts of life

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