and thats whats cool about him... he is a freakin rockstar.
california voted in terminator... the nation is voting in the great
brown hope...

who cares if the political seasons is a popularity contest as well? i dont.
i simply cannot envision an america that i would like if john mccain is
brought into office... i just dont see it...

barack obama is such a real person, that i dont GIVE A FUCK!!!!! what
he hasnt done. i dont. i know what he isnt... and thats groundhog day
on the last 8 years... what a BITCH of a motherfucker shrub has been... i mean
really... and you cant show me how johnny mccain could possibly do anything

he is tired, you can see it... his look is tired, his game is tired, he's plain
whack... and we dont need whack and out of touch right now... we just dont...
we need a hip president... one who rules with a touch of charisma rather
than a stumble through most personal interactions... i have confidence
enough in the fact that through good decision making skills, and all star
cabinet, and now the man joe biden at his right hand side... i see nothing
but a win win for america... and the world.

barack just gets it... he gets people... he just has an air about him that is
smooth, confident, intelligent and overall unassuming... and thats one
of the coolest ones!

and most of all, im more into spending at home than i ever ever have been.
i dont care if i have to spend an extra 200 a month to fund some programs
that help underpriveleged people... id much rather it go into our people than
1 trillions in a war or two, or whatever you call this mess shrub has made...

i realize that we are all severely entitled to our own opinions and
that im not always right... i get that...  but anyone who doesnt see this...
i just dont get you... i really dont...  the cool part is... is that i feel like
there REALLY is a chance this is going to happen... i really do... enough
people GET IT... and thats good for us  and honestly... i think that mccain
people really are feeling this same feeling and they are quite honestly
scared of the reality...

:) ok, rant over... hope everyone is having a great day.

-- tony

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
-- siddhartha gautama

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 5:58 PM, sam morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually I think it's kind of funny.
> Obama is trying to make McCain look like an elitist and McCain is painting 
> Obama as a pop star.
> McCain didn't have a house for five years while serving his country and Obama 
> has Brittany Spears set designer creating his temple set for the biggest 
> political poptart concert eva.
> :)
>>Oh I agree totally.  The entire nonsense about how many houses John
>>McCain had was just ridiculous.  And it became even more ridiculous
>>when McCain used his POW sound bite to defend himself regarding his
>>inability to remember how many houses he owned.  He should have
>>immediately pointed out how trivial the entire issue was.  By not
>>doing so, he played right into the spin.

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