On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 11:46 PM, Robert Munn wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 8:06 PM, Beth  wrote:
>> Its got nothing to do with her looks.  Its got everything to do with that
>> she's got absolutely no qualifications, no education and no experience.
>> Shes lived her entire life in what many in the state consider to be
>> crackerville small town except for her journalism degree at university of
>> idaho.
> My point is that there is a double-standard at work here. Check out
> Tim Pawlenty's bio:

Double standard?  Perhaps it's actually opinion.  And from someone who
probably has more experience with the woman than you do. (Just a

What about the wire-taps?  The out of control spending?  Government
getting all up in science and whatnot?

Sheesh, amazing how The Right is acting all, magnanimous(? some word
like that).  "It wasn't political, she was the best for the job" and

(I'm just kidding about the right and left stuff, those type comments
seem sorta funny sounding)

I think it was strategic, and is (IMO) exciting.  But it doesn't
change the fact that this country IS headed down the wrong road, and
we need to do a 180, which another Republican President will be unable
to do.

We need a uniter, plain and simple, and I don't see that with McCain.
Not so much he himself, but more the situation we're in.

People are pissed and divided, so if we don't at least give the
illusion of change, well, man, expect a lot more bitching and low

Even with all the shit The Right gave Clinton, we were able to do some
stuff that just plain took teamwork.  Do you honestly see McCain as a

Does the chick getting the position make you feel a little better,
like, "hey, maybe this will appease X"?  Or is it all purely about her
cleaning up government and whatnot (which I think is swell-- Ron Paul
or even Nader both speak truths you won't hear from many mouths, at
least at that level)?  I said it in parenthesis, right there, though;
we know what we need to do, it's a shame some of us would put on such
a sham, like claiming that removing our liberties makes us safer,
while running on a platform that /says/ it values those liberties
above all else, or whatever.

Upholding the constitution... yeah, give me a break.

I could do a lot of "good" if I did shit that wasn't constitutional--
really crack down on crime, say.  Wouldn't that be a good thing?
What's the matter with just getting all Jack Bauer on fools?

Bah.  What does any of this crap have to do with the current state of
this thread?  Hell if I know.  Sorry for wandering off there.


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