If temperatures fall drastically during this period of low
sunspots...does that mean that mankind's contribution is more or less

i.e. If temperatures will definitely rise rapidly during periods of
sunspot, and mankind's increasing Greenhouse Output adds to that
resulting in an unhealthy environment...does it matter that when
Sunspot periods ebb the environment cools to more 'normal' levels?

Is it important to keep mankind's greenhouse gas production high to
avoid the climate dipping too low during these quiet sunspot periods?

Do we have any idea of these sunspot cycles in the first place?

So many questionses.
oh my.


2008/9/1 Cameron Childress <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Interesting opportunity to see what it's impact is.  Too bad there isn't
> just one factor effecting the global climate.  It may be hard to determine
> it's impact due to the fact that other factors are also changing rapidly.
> -Cameron

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