Adam, these are excellent points you bring up.

Out of curiosity, do you have a link to that profiling Proof Of
Concept someone did using, I think it was Amazon?

Or perhaps it was in a 2600 article.  Damn.  I can't remember.

It was pretty crazy, if I remember right.

Brings comments about zebras and false trails into a whole new light
tho, doesn't it?

We should all be digital rats (stainless-steel was taken) these days.
I think I'm going to start using my own webmail client to access
gmail, and slap some GPG up in there.

Google does make it easy to use their services.  *grin*

Oy, the poor commoner tho!  To think what could happen to them, left
to their own devices.  And how fat the smart ones will get, in a world
like this.  This...

Watched World.

I click on ads for things I'd never buy, and "go places" I'd never go,
and type things I'd never type- as well as doing little dances for the
cameras, just 'cause.

Totally pointless, but what the hell, no?  Might as well have fun with it.

Plus, I'm ripped.


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Adam Churvis wrote:
>> im not worried. not at all.  if you keep your nose
>> clean you have no worries for smelly bads, right :)
> I know you said that tongue-in-cheek, but we should all keep a couple of
> serious things in mind:
> 1) "If you keep your nose clean" has nothing at all to do with your own
> impression of "clean"; it only has to do with one person-of-power's
> perception of what he himself would like to be the definition of "clean"
> that everyone is forced to accept for their own damned good.
> 2) Google does not have the ultimate choice of who sees what you do; that
> belongs to the court of jurisdiction, which may be decided by a political
> appointee who wants to keep his job under the current administration that
> appointed him or her.
> 3) Surprisingly detailed and accurate behavioral patterns can be derived
> from dimensionally mining multiple stores of your personal data collected by
> Google *alone* would make your head spin.  This could potentially include
> Google Analytics data gathered through Google by the websites that use it.
> If you think this sounds like a conspiracy theory, it isn't.  Just read a
> Google court order, if you can get your hands on one, and you'll see that
> it's all quiet dishearteningly real.
> Respectfully,
> Adam Phillip Churvis
> President
> Productivity Enhancement

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