then google needs to build each of us a ONE BUTTON DELETE mode.
cellphone sms enabled delete of all data. forever.

-- tony

Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
-- siddhartha gautama

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Adam Churvis
> Interesting thing is, Google doesn't care a flip about each of us
> individually.  If it was up to them, we'd all be perfectly anonymous unless
> we opted-in to some
> tell-us-who-you-are-and-we'll-give-you-free-premium-services arrangement.
> Google's value comes from determining the profitable behaviors of the
> largest economic force on Earth, then selling that knowledge to whomever can
> pay the steep price.
> It's the sniveling little men with their illusions of grandeur who sit
> behind tax-paid desks, who have the power to make Google give them evidence
> of the underlying granular private transactions that are the "source code"
> of those compiled behaviors -- THAT's who is the problem.
> Respectfully,
> Adam Phillip Churvis
> President
> Productivity Enhancement
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: denstar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 2:12 AM
>> To: CF-Community
>> Subject: All your data is belong (was: Re: Google Chrome)
>> Adam, these are excellent points you bring up.
>> Out of curiosity, do you have a link to that profiling Proof Of
>> Concept someone did using, I think it was Amazon?
>> Or perhaps it was in a 2600 article.  Damn.  I can't remember.
>> It was pretty crazy, if I remember right.
>> Brings comments about zebras and false trails into a whole new light
>> tho, doesn't it?
>> We should all be digital rats (stainless-steel was taken) these days.
>> I think I'm going to start using my own webmail client to access
>> gmail, and slap some GPG up in there.
>> Google does make it easy to use their services.  *grin*
>> Oy, the poor commoner tho!  To think what could happen to them, left
>> to their own devices.  And how fat the smart ones will get, in a world
>> like this.  This...
>> Watched World.
>> I click on ads for things I'd never buy, and "go places" I'd never go,
>> and type things I'd never type- as well as doing little dances for the
>> cameras, just 'cause.
>> Totally pointless, but what the hell, no?  Might as well have fun with
>> it.
>> Plus, I'm ripped.

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