On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:43 PM, Erika L. Walker wrote:
> This whole "experience" thing is irking me.

In Biden's case, I think it's pretty cool.  We could use a good
diplomat, you know?

And what about Jim's comments?  His data is based on what he's
experienced so far.  I tend to agree with him.

* * *
I find it ironic, that it seems like Obama is actually listening, and
answering (go ahead, knock him for his pauses, and poke fun at his
ums), and the Repubs are all like "no substance", while McCain hems
and haws.  Yet, he "represents".

> How many of you have fretted over getting hired on a new job because you
> didn't have experience on your resume, but you knew good and damn well you
> could do the job because you had guts and tenacity? You could dance RINGS
> around that college graduate with blinders on, but because your resume only
> says tech school or high school grad, too bad!

People have always wanted me, for what I can do, or have done for
others.  And I'm a people person.

I never put much store in paper.  The proof is in the pudding.  I've
got a portfolio that wows.  Screw the degree, unless it's for
something fun, like philosophy, maybe.

Just kidding-- degrees are fine, school is good, everyone should be
furthering their education, so whatever works for you, go for it.

I get the idea, but there has to be "something" besides "I'm a go
getter" -- how so, ya know?

> How many BILLIONAIRES and MILLIONAIRES made their money not knowing the
> FIRST THING about business when they first started? What they had was guts
> and tenacity. And strength of character to get the job done.

And a little luck.

> Give me a break with this bullshit on experience.  I'm all for a debate but
> none of them have stellar records. I want to see guts and tenacity!

If we really wanted to see guts and tenacity, we'd of put Ron Paul in there.


They laugh when he talks about blowback.  Laugh!  Want him to recant, even!

> Like I said - we're stuck with one pair of em. STUCK. All this going back
> and forth isn't going to get any of us of anywhere unless ya'll have the
> millions to launch a write in candidate campaign to sawy everyone's votes
> right now, in the short period of time we have until election day.

We're not stuck, we *choose*.

*We* put these "yahoos" up there.

> So, who is the lesser of two evils .... that just *might* get the job done?
> Or at least give it "their" all and not just be a mouthpiece?

FWIW, I'm rooting for Obama because I like him best.  I *love* Ron
Paul, but he'd be killed quicker than you can say "yup".

We need a mouthpiece.  A mouthpiece for the people.  We the people.

Who have lost our way.

Yes, even if Obama gets in there, we're probably still screwed.
Because it ain't really about the President.  It's about us.  We're
apathetic about shit we shouldn't be.

(He says, apathetically.  ;])

McCain is fine, but he isn't pushing the right kind of change.

Still better than what we got now tho, and at least, different.
*shrug*  We're probably screwed either way tho, like I said earlier.
The problem is us.

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