On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 8:06 PM, CyberAngel wrote:
> See that's part of the problem, the one thing he has left is his work. The
> Dr's from what I am to understand have basically said that he is too sick
> not to work, but he is too sick to work. He see's two dr's every 2 days, no
> ifs no butts.

If he's not eating well, and not sleeping well, it will probably get worse.

He should look at his health-plan, if he's got one, and see what it
provides for.  Sometimes a couple weeks, maybe a month, are just what
is needed.  The company will cover the time in some mellow
institution, or an institution, period.

A break from all that outside pressure.

> Now you talk about self committing? How would that go about friends, we have
> felt that our last option is to put him out of harms way. I believe the
> option has been mentioned between the dr's, but it is understood that he
> isn't really eating and it will just make it worse.

Friends/Support network is the key element to getting better.
Theodore Huxley has some interesting thoughts about it, IIRC, in the
doors of perception, but the concept is that it's pretty fucking crazy
in a mental institution.  You need non-crazies to help get you back on
that plane most people call "sane".  IMO.  Those places can seriously
fuck you up.

The difference between committing oneself, and being committed, is
that generally, it's easier to get out if you put yourself in there.
That said, it's still scary, because without people to fight for you,
on the "outside", it might not work that way.

It's good to get any medical stuff taken care of ahead of time.  If he
trusts you, and you can hang with it, you could be his "advocate", and
medical whatchamacallit.  Basically, it would be up to you to research
the drugs they want to put him on, and ask questions he might not be
in the state of mind to ask.

If he's not too far gone, he may be able to just take some time off,
maybe go on some medication (is he on stuff already?  Perhaps they
need to adjust his dosage/medications), and get unwound a bit.  "Work"
may be just keeping his hands busy, and a fishing pole can do that
too. A good friend to keep him company, and all better.  :-)

But if you're seriously fearing for his life, well... I wouldn't
presume to tell someone what to do in those awful decision time-times,
doing anything (doing nothing is something) could have some heavy

I've called suicide lines, in the past, when I wasn't sure what to do,
and, well... "Ask them frankly", is one thing they'll tell you.

But, really, they'll urge you to save your friend's life.  The answer
to "how" isn't easy.  Sometimes it takes doing something you'd really
rather not, and feeling like a rat for it.  Usually it doesn't, but
sometimes it does, and if you guess wrong... well, think about the
various outcomes, and make the call you think is needed.

Whatever happens, well, it was meant to, anyways.  We've still got
free will tho.  :-)

Total bitch to have to think about the stuff.  Not easy.  Not fun.

Depending on his problems tho, and available facilities, the nut-house
ain't a half-bad solution.  I'd want people to have my back tho, were
I to go into one.  And I'd want to go to a nice one.  They can vary
WIDELY, so research is a damn good idea.

> Sorry for the questions this is all new to me.

Hmmm.  Finding out how this stuff works isn't a bad idea.

There are some pretty good groups out there, and I'd contact your
local whatchamacallit (Dana might know that acronym-- mental health
advocates or similar, I think it's world-wide) to get the nity-gritty
on what stuff is available in your area.

Heavy thoughts.  I feel for you, as well as your friend.

If he does end up "in" someplace, it will do him wonders to have your
support.  Bringing "awesome" food, for instance, may help your friend
keep eating, and encourage him.

Committing someone is the last last resort, IMO, but it is better than
death.  IMO.

Not that I've been dead, 'cept for maybe in this dream this one
time...  but logically, there's always time to experience it later.
Let us see what else will happen, I say!

Woohoo for unpredictability!

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