I didn't say they didn't play better football, but we don't know what would
have happened if the ref's called even just those two that you counted.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 7:56 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Game

I counted two, they were blatant and stupidly obvious but I only counted 
The Redskins just played better football than the Cowboys did, plain and 

Scott Raley -ITC wrote:
> There were at least 8 calls
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 8:17 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: Game
> games are seldom lost (or won) on a single bad call.
> bad calls are part of the game, and they'll likely always be part of the
> game.
> good teams play well enough that a single bad call will not cost them the
> game.  great teams play well enough that a handful of bad calls will not
> cost them the game.
> my team "lost" a wildcard game on a bad call a few years back.  of course,
> before losing the game on the bad call, they gave up 30+ points in the
> 20 minutes of the game.  they should never put themselves in the position
> letting that one call decide the game.
> that being said, i don't disagree that there were a lot of really bad
> (or non-calls) in that game.  while i've advocated in the past that the
> human element will always factor into the game... this game did have more
> bad/missed calls than what i'd generally refer to as "acceptable".  i
> be just a teeny bit biased because i'm very OK with the outcome :)
> On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 4:58 PM, Scott Raley -ITC
>> I can not believe what I just saw. Yes it happened on both sides of the
>> ball
>> but more against the Cowboys. Like the announcer's said the ref's need to
>> be
>> put on ice.. all the things they missed in the game cost the cowboys a
>> of yardage and it cost the skin's yardage, but it cost the cowboys when
>> they
>> were in the area of scoring points. Damn. Yeah I know TO and guys dropped
>> balls, but I still hope the ref's don't get a good grade for that game
>> don't make it to the superbowl..
>> Yes we played like shit and the skin's knew what they had to do, they
>> prep'd but I still  feel like we got ref'd like the game two weeks ago
> that
>> cost the team a loss because  the ref's gave the visitors a penalty that
>> couldn't be reviewed in the last 30 sec's and the following play the
>> visitors got a touch down that won the game, the team filed a complaint
> the
>> next day and all they were told is that the ref's are graded each game
>> would get a strike that would count against them when looking for ref's
> for
>> the superbowl..

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