On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 1:19 PM, William Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I never claimed that.
> Yes you do, every day.

I guess you need to better understand the debate process.

> I think it actually doesn't reflect on Obama's character to associate
> with Ayers, nor do i think it reflects on the character of any of the
> other dozens of people that *also* served on the same Board, as Ayers

I do. Especially considering the objective.

> "crimes" took place 40 years ago, he turned himself in, stated that he
> has regrets (whether you care or not),

His regret was that he didn't do more!

> and is no longer a "radical activist".

 He was a terrorist. Now he's motivating children to become radical activist.

> There.


>> So just discussing his associates is now a smear?
> No, repeating the lie that "Obama pals around with terrorists" is the smear.

What part is the lie? He doesn't pal around with Ayers or Ayers is not
a terrorist.

>> Again I'm more concerned with the fact that none of the people around
>> him like America.
> None? that's a pretty definitive statement, care to back it up?

Got me, I forgot his wife likes America now :P

> probably. 'cause you know, Obama'll probably turn over the keys to the
> country to the t'rrists as soon as he gets in office. Like Kennedy was
> going to turn over the country to the Pope when he got elected.

You missed the point of the discussion. I think he's leaning towards
socialism not terrorism.
Maybe he's been using all these people and will ignore them when in
power. I can hope.

> I didn't say talking about Obama was forbidden.

As long as it's positive.

> I said the message
> you're sending is loud and clear, the base is hearing "Obama is a
> terrorist", and despite your declarations that it's not really what
> you meant, that's the message you're sending.

That's a ridiculous argument. So I can't mention he's worked with a
terrorist because one guy in the crowd will assume he's also a
terrorist? That's why politicians are cautious about who they
associate with. You never know what people will think.

> She has an "R" after her name, she's a Republican (your party). Oh, of
> course, she offers an opinion different than that of the GOP talking
> points, i guess you're free then to say she is not one of "yours."

So are you and Byrd on the same page? He's national.

> got it. Message clear. Differing opinion, not tolerated in GOP. Toe
> line, stay in formation.

You're rambling.

> nice attempt at an evasion.

No evasion here.

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