You're right:

Wolves and bears are very effective and efficient predators on
caribou, moose, deer and other wildlife. In most of Alaska, humans
also rely on the same species for food. In Alaska's Interior,
predators kill more than 80 percent of the moose and caribou that die
during an average year, while humans kill less than 10 percent. In
most of the state, predation holds prey populations at levels far
below what could be supported by the habitat in the area. Predation is
an important part of the ecosystem, and all ADF&G wolf management
programs, including control programs, are designed to sustain wolf
populations in the future.

The Alaska Board of Game approves wildlife regulations through a
public participation process. When the Board determines that people
need more moose and/or caribou in a particular area, and restrictions
on hunting aren't enough to allow prey populations to increase,
predator control programs may be needed. Wolf hunting and trapping
rarely reduces wolf numbers enough to increase prey numbers or

Currently, five wolf control programs are underway that comprises
about 9.4% of Alaska's land area. The programs use a closely
controlled permit system allowing aerial or same day airborne methods
to remove wolves in designated areas. In these areas, wolf numbers
will be temporarily reduced, but wolves will not be permanently
eliminated from any area. Successful programs allow humans to take
more moose, and healthy populations of wolves to continue to thrive in

Click on links below to learn more about wolves and predator-prey relationships.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 11:44 AM, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>so would you use a helicopter? I am asking if you think thta is hunting.
> Never. That is not hunting. Alaska is the only place in North America where 
> you're allowed to hunt from an aircraft.
> I was just complaining about the extra weight involved. I've never had to 
> trek a moose carcass out but have had to do so with deer, and I've hunted 
> caribou a couple of times.

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