"In other words, Republican=social-conservative right now and that's the
opposite of me so if that's the new Republican party they lost me, my wife,
and everyone on chart #2."

I think what you say is the perception of Republicans.  It is important to
distinguish conservatives from Republicans though.  The Republicans in
Washington are not conservative fiscally or socially.  They certainly court
the socially conservative vote, but ignore the views after winning an
election.  They make no effort to save money.  These may be some of the
reasons conservatives voters abandoned them in this election.  It is time
for a the Republicans to reboot the party.  I read somewhere that Newt is
interested in chairmanship of the party.  That would be interesting.  I have
no idea if he is up to the task.

Politics will be fun to watch for the next two years.  The Republicans will
be scrambling to preserve seats or pick up a few.

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