On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
> The point is that people can point at situations and say "look, there
> are choices!" which sounds well and good. But if the choices aren't
> really choices then the fact that you have choices is entirely moot.

We still weren't talking about choice of execution method.  I fail to
see where going wildly off topic and then pointing back at what you
said proves anything.

>> That does suck.  You are mad because you were not given a choice.
>> Understandable.
> [snip]
> But trying to argue that there are currently choices
> is just absurd.

I just said you didn't have a choice, then you went on a rant about
how absurd my statement was.  Wait, are you arguing against me?  Or
against yourself? Perhaps you should go back to ranting about
execution methods?


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