The financial markets continue to be the most heavily regulated markets in
our economy, and if you don't understand that, you must be a complete
fucking moron. :-)

Poor regulatory structure, not a lack of regulatory structure, is what ails
our financial markets. Poor structure, interference in markets by
politicians with policy goals that are out of whack with economic reality -
home ownership is not for everyone, as this crisis has so clearly
demonstrated, and horrible fiscal mismanagement by Congress and the White
House for decades have taken us to the brink of collapse.

Now the Obama team is pushing more of the same. How is that going to help?

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Gruss wrote:

> If you think, after watching the dismantling of government regulation
> on the financial services industry and the resulting implosion that's
> brought the World to the brink of systemic collapse, that we need even
> less regulation then you're a complete fucking moron that probably
> said that while running with scissors around a box of oily rags that's
> stored beneath your fuse box and next to your open 50 gallon drum of
> spare gasoline while smoking a cigarette and wearing flip-flops.

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