Sorry, I was mistaken. You did not say he was to 'blame' you said it was his
"Basically what Obama has decided to do nothing for the time being and
thus let investment banks contango even if that means you have to pay
higher prices even though the market doesn't demand it.
So without a doubt it's his fault."

Now, we were talking about the price of oil/gas in that thread.  But I
figured since you stated so emphatically that if it happened on his watch,
it was his fault, the same would be true of the Dow as well.
On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
> No way..sorry dude.  In the prvious thread you specifically used the word
> 'blame', not 'responsibility', not 'accountability', 'blame'  On Sat, Mar
> 7, 2009 at 12:15 AM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
>> > Scott wrote: > Based on comments you have made in other threads, the
>> blame for the drop in > the dow is squarely on the shoulders of our
>> commander in chief. >
>> Ah, man, you've been reading Sammy too much and developed his 
>> readingcomprehension problem. Obama doesn't get the blame.  He gets the 
>> responsibility andaccountability.  Which he's accepted and is acting on - 
>> faster thanany President in history actually. Blame is still aaaaaaaalllllll 
>> on the Bush-man. 

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