On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Erika L. Walker <elwal...@ruwebby.com>wrote:

> Well all that is absolutely true and I have to admit  - I was really
> thinking on a personal level, not corporate. I do understand your point for
> some people.
> As for info on their servers? I don't know. So much of our personal
> information is in cyberspace right now, info we dont even know is out
> there,
> that I'm of the mindset now that unless I'm going to run for president, or
> a
> high position in the government where the press would be interest in what
> kind of toilet paper I buy or whom I have emailed in the last 5 years, I
> just don't really care.
> I'm careful on what I can be quoted as saying - but every day habits. Bleh.
> My email and docs are boring. If they interest google that much, by all
> means, have at it. :)
> \

Well who, where and what are now being stored in UK.


UK ISP's need to retain the from and to email address as well as date and ip
address for 1 year now.

Not long before content is also stored...

Time to get encrypting...

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