No. Fire someone for being clueless about the whole thing.
Should the mayor of the city know? Nope. Should the people? Nope. And why
fly lower than normal? To get a better shot? I mean why not. People
everywhere should expect a plane with a fighter escort flying low over their
city. No one should get all traumatized over that. It should not set off any
pre-existing emergency procedures in effect. It's just a photo op.
Yes, the above should be read dripping with sarcasm. The whole thing was
stupid across the board. Stupidity at a White House level deserves sacking
or a transfer to somewhere like Gnome, Alaska (the standard response).

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Maureen <> wrote:

> Oh, good grief.  They flew a airplane over a city.  BFD.  Those
> whiners who are still all traumatized over something that happened
> almost eight years ago need to grow up and get over it.
> Firing someone for approving an airplane flyover?  Get real.
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
> > Which is why I want to know WHY the guy spaced out or selected out on
> > notification.  If he doesn't deserve to be fired then fine, but
> > explain why or at least explain that you considered it and aren't
> > going to for reasons better left unexplained

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