Well, yes, more info to come.  Products to display, and content for
all the areas.  Probably a featured image of a product on each page.

Not sure what else I could do to make a store look like a store - open
to suggestions.

On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Casey Dougall
<ca...@uberwebsitesolutions.com> wrote:
> Right... No bling as Hatton said. hehehe
> It looks like a blog, it does not look like a shopcart.
> Add to cart button does not work.
> http://thepluginstore.com/page.cfm?page=learn
> Maybe more information is to come w/ those areas, but with all of the sub
> navigation in right panel, and large empty space where you normally look, a
> bit odd.

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