Site Link:

Jerry Johnson wrote:
> so maybe something like
> You make sound, we make it sound good.
> It's your sound, play with it.
> Change your sound
> Toys for noise
Followed by:
> Or use an analogy. Custom cars and parts. what other hobbies have
> add-ons? what other products let you extend their functions?
> Aftermarket addons for your creative toolbox
> Extend your tools
> Pimp your stack
> The sweet editing suite

I must say, those are some pretty good suggestions (careful Jerry or 
some of us might mistake you for a marketer, and you may not want that!).

As for the site, I concur that it doesn't look like a traditional home 
page for an online store, but as Mr Humphrey pointed out, that seems 
more a product of 'no product', or content as the case may be. I 
wouldn't be too perturbed just yet, unless that's all you're planning on 
putting there.

Only two code suggestions:
1. you are using an ID for the feature div(s) on the home page, but it 
should be a class as there are more than one.
2. divs aren't allowed inside p tags (hence the 'opening and ending tag 
mismatch' seen below).

The other validation errors are insignificant, but personally I would 
fix all that are under my control (like missing alt tags and incorrect 
script blocks).


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