oh dears.

This could be a reinstall. McAfee uninstallations that go bad are very
Did you reboot hte computer about twice after the installation? Or did you
uninstall McAfee and then immediately install Avira?

2009/5/18 Matthew Smith <chedders...@gmail.com>

> I recently worked on a friends computer.  All I did was uninstall mcaffe
> virus scan/security center and install Avira.
> When I try to right click on a file on the desktop, I get a hoourglass and
> the computer becomes non-responsive.  What could be causing this?  I was
> wondering if the mcaffe had somethihg in the right click menu that is
> causihng problems now that it is uninstalled.  I had to go trough and
> manually remove stuff from the registry to get it unsinalled all the way.
> The computer is pretty old and slow, but not so slow that I should get the
> hourglass for so ling.
> Thanks!

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