The mechanism is far from clear. Professor Chrichton-Boots from the Chicago 
Schools of Economics, cautioned that US Post prices are a good proxy for 
inflation, and that it may be inflation that is really behind the recent change 
in climate. He admitted it was puzzling that there appears to have been global 
temperature changes for 3-5 billion years before the advent of either US Postal 
services, or inflation. “You would think the planetary climate would have 
been stable.” But Harvard social researchers are calling for funding for 
archaeological digs to find postage stamps from the precambrian. “It’s 
under-researched”. US Post said this type of finding would be very important 
but, if any stamps were found, they would be unable to honor them: “Since at 
the time, the US didn’t exist, in government, in theory, or even as a 

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