> Grant wrote:
> Really? How so? If I may ask.

I test out all my theories here, then sell them.

For example, Judah is a big single payer advocate, but he's crumbled
under cross examination which tells me what the holes are in that

Judah doesn't understand this but you can't just do analysis, forever
gathering data, trying to prove, say single payer, when it doesn't
pass the gut check.  Single payer is DOA in America.  period.  no
amount of data gathering will change that.

So instead of wasting time on the impossible, let's figure what's
probable and put our time there.

My gut says that a well regulated market is the best way to get the
highest quality at the lowest price and therefore the highest

Use the airline analogy and take Vivec's fear of capitalism: greedy
players will kill you with crappy products.

Now look at the de-regulated airline market and look at safety.  It's
sky high.  Why?  regulation provides the price floor.  Airlines can't
cut costs below what it takes to fly safe.

That's what we need to do with health care: cut out the middle man.

Make providers compete for YOUR business, not the business of your
company or your insurance company - YOU.

And then get billions of healthcare dollars into the hands of the uninsured.

You want to see healthcare innovation?  You want to fix the economy??

Put $500 billion into the hands of consumers and tell them to spend.

Doctors will innovate REAL fast.

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