People pay for your theories?
Jayzuz. You really _can_ sell anything in America. ;)

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:

> > Grant wrote:
> > Really? How so? If I may ask.
> >
> I test out all my theories here, then sell them.
> For example, Judah is a big single payer advocate, but he's crumbled
> under cross examination which tells me what the holes are in that
> concept.
> Judah doesn't understand this but you can't just do analysis, forever
> gathering data, trying to prove, say single payer, when it doesn't
> pass the gut check.  Single payer is DOA in America.  period.  no
> amount of data gathering will change that.
> So instead of wasting time on the impossible, let's figure what's
> probable and put our time there.
> My gut says that a well regulated market is the best way to get the
> highest quality at the lowest price and therefore the highest
> satisfaction.
> Use the airline analogy and take Vivec's fear of capitalism: greedy
> players will kill you with crappy products.
> Now look at the de-regulated airline market and look at safety.  It's
> sky high.  Why?  regulation provides the price floor.  Airlines can't
> cut costs below what it takes to fly safe.
> That's what we need to do with health care: cut out the middle man.
> Make providers compete for YOUR business, not the business of your
> company or your insurance company - YOU.
> And then get billions of healthcare dollars into the hands of the
> uninsured.
> You want to see healthcare innovation?  You want to fix the economy??
> Put $500 billion into the hands of consumers and tell them to spend.
> Doctors will innovate REAL fast.

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