OK, first let me say that I have read some bad reviews of this movie
recently and that I do not agree with any of them.
I enjoyed the movie as much as I enjoyed the first, though I know there will
be people who will hate this one, even if they enjoyed the first.

You must remember that this is a Michael Bay movie.  He is not known for his
storytelling, so don't expect a great story.  Do expect some great action
scenes. Its 2.5 hours long, but did not feel that long at all.

One last thing, if you were annoyed by Jar Jar Binks (I was not), you will
most likely be annoyed by 'The Twins'.

There are 2 things I
did not like (and did not like it about the first one either).

1. These movies should have focussed on the robots more.
2. The language.  There are a lot more scenes in the second movie that would
make me question if my kids should see it purely based on language, and,
like the first movie, I think they are unnecessary and do not add any value.

Overall, I would see it again and I will buy it on DVD (that is usually what
I ask others about movies they have seen to judge how good they thought it
Scott Stroz
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are
willing to work and give to those who would not. - Thomas Jefferson


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