im a big mj fan, in fact i really was too distracted with life to pay
attn to the shit he got into back in the day... he was a great performer,
entertainer, musician, song-writer, everything, he influenced me a great
deal back in the day, and i can remember the EXACT moment, to the
T the first time i saw thriller... (we were playing Joust on a Atari i think
at a cousins house) and from that moment on i was hooked.

then the moonwalk, well that was the beginning of a nice little breakdancing
group that i was part of , and we ended up winning a lot of comp's and
without the inspiration from him, we'da never been there.

yes, things looked a little funky with him and the little boys, but thats
their parents problems, not mine... they were the morons who let their
kids do what they did...

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Erika L. Rich<> wrote:
> I do agree with you there, I'm just having a hard time hanging someone
> without concrete proof. I'm not a MJ fan by any means. There's just a few
> songs of his here and there that I can handle. Just to let you know I'm not
> a star crossed fan.
> His life was a tragedy of errors and then some. That's one thing that is for
> sure.
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
>> But, you see, us people who actually care about our children would
>> never let them be alone with the freak.

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