>The entire part from cocaine in moderation down was a sarcastic bite
>at pot being 'benign'.
>I have an uncle who lives in a nursing home. He's basically a burnout.
>To say that pot is benign is as wrong as saying a roofie is. Just
>because people smoke some now and again does not change the fact that
>it's a drug with psychoactive effects.
>You have alcohol as being bad but not pot. Huh?!?

Wrong. there are mostly other factors involved in that case. A single case 
doesn't make a real argument, expect to that person.

I'll have to dig up the reference, but there has been research looking at the  
cognitive impact of smoking weed over the long term. The researchers compared 2 
samples in Jamaica, those who smoked weed regularly on a daily basis for at 
least 20 years, and those who did not touch the stuff. The two groups were 
matched on age, gender, SES, work status and general health. In terms of a 
variety of cognitive performance measures there were no differences in the two 

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