On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 7:03 PM, Zaphod
Beeblebrox<zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> interestingly enough, the http://www.mormonfundamentalism.com/
> index.html site pretty much claims their mormons....even more mormon
> than the lds church.
> regardless though, even if they're not mormon, they're bigger than a
> cult and that's what I was originally replying about.

Yeah - like I said, I kinda lump em all into one big pile in a general
sense.  The distinction really is that FLDS claim to be Mormon and LDS
claims that they are not Mormon.  Kinda like someone who's been kicked
out of the Catholic Church still claiming they are Catholic (when they
should be celebrating instead).


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