hyperbole "as usual"?? From Sandra?

Much as I am curious, and much as you've pissed me off lately, I reluctantly
consider you one of the tribe, and so --

I advise you to adopt the fine Canadian tactic of ironic silence. Much
better than validating some of the other comments in the thread.  Or not,
don't mind me... I don't have a horse in this race. I called you an ass a
week ago and don't mind watching you prove my right.

</ My last helpful comment>

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 7:32 PM, Larry Lyons <larrycly...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah right hyperbole as usual.
> I said one tiny thing about his lack of difference with elephants (he was
> riffing on elephants for some reason), then Scott goes and acts like a
> berserk Nazi thug. At least I gave almost as good as I got. Unfortunately I
> had drunk a fair amount and the anesthetic they used at the hospital really
> reacted badly with the alcohol.
> The bandages should be coming off fairly soon according to the doctor.
> >Sorry for the delay in posting back.  I had another, unrelated, injury
> >(I pulled my back out packing on Saturday morning) I have been
> >recovering from.
> >
> >Here is the Cliff's Notes Version of what happened:
> >
> >There was a lot of alcohol consumed by the parties involved on Thursday
> night.
> >
> >Things were said.
> >
> >Tempers were lost (How many times can someone take being called a
> >'Nazi' and remain calm, especially when drunk?)
> >
> >Punches (and some furniture) were thrown.
> >
> >It was a regrettable incident. I am only thankful that a) no one was
> >seriously injured and b) we were bale to avoid the police getting the
> >police involved.
> >
> >
> >>

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