Aside from the obvious power grab that is HR3200 (and if you don't
think that the Federal government dictating the standards that
insurance companies have to meet through a government appointed
commission isn't a power grab you're fooling yourself) the fact that
while everyone is having a grand old time demonizing the existing
system, they're paying no heed of those people that work in, with and
around the existing system!

I'm one of those people.

I work for a Professional Employment Organization - a company that
provides it's clients with outsourced Human Resources services,
including payroll, tax compliance, benefits management and
consolidation and human resources services.  We are a for-profit
version of the "Co-Op".  Our clients employees work under our Federal
ID, we take those numbers to insurance carriers and get a good reduced
rate.  That rate then gets passed back to our clients.  This allows a
pizza shop with 5 employees the ability to offer the same medical
insurance at the same rates as a company with 800 employees and 20

A public option or the "non-profit co-op" would destroy our industry
and put me out of work.  It would also put a serious dent in the
Chamber of Commerce organization, which offers insurance to its
members in much the same way.

Since my job is directly threatened by this proposed legislation, I've
got no problem at all with corporate money being spent to fight it.
Yes, the system needs to be fixed, but there are many other ways that
it could be done.  In some cases, they already exist.  In New York
state there is something called "Healthy New York."  It's stated goal:
to provide affordable health insurance options for those who do not
have it.  They have low cost plans for low income families and some
free care as well.  It's problem?  There's an upper limit to the
income level that falls below what most independent contractors make
in the state.

Are there problems? Sure.  Is it worth my job?  Doubt it.


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