Did you search Auburn Fire Map, without quotes.  When I first did this 
search I don't recall the "News results for..."  But these are the links 
I got below that one.

When I took the word "Map" out of the search, I got the results I 
wanted, but that is not what I tried first.

Dana wrote:
> modesto bee, san jose mercury-news.... it all looks pretty legit to me.
> If I were you I would download this.
> http://download.cnet.com/Trend-Micro-HijackThis/3000-8022_4-10227353.html.
> Not sure if you are at work or on your own computer but you do not need
> admin provileges to install it. Sorry if I am telling you what you already
> know, but I recommend that software as invaluable with a very VERY big
> caveat. It flags non-standard configuration, some of which may be just fine
> or something that your IT department did on purpose, so it should be used
> with extreme care. Usually the publisher recommends posting the log and
> waiting for help, but you are in IT and you are smart, right? It's probably
> not a good idea to post your emplyer's config online either, if that is
> which conputer this is.
> Google what you cannot identify and ask a lot of questions. I looked at
> Gel's a while back (I've had a little training in this software and it
> flagged somethng that was getting confirmed as of conscern, but he assured
> me it was for one of his games and definitely just fine. It will defintely
> catch a browser hijack if that is what is happening tho.
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Dana <dana.tier...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> the first few are the san francisco and la papers. How long ago did you
>> click? Just wondering if we are looking at the same links. goign down a bit.
>> You still see evil spam? You may have a browser hijack going...
>>   On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 8:52 AM, Dana <dana.tier...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> um. When you say the first link that came up do you mean KCRA? cause
>>> either I ma missing something or you are, possibly ad-aware ;) By "on the
>>> list" are you talking about "all 77 news articles'? I am going to click a
>>> few of those now, for fun.
>>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Ian Skinner <h...@ilsweb.com> wrote:
>>>> For those who do not live in Northern California, there was a pretty
>>>> large wild fire in the foothill community of Auburn California.  I have
>>>> a friendly acquaintance I have worked with in the past who lives near
>>>> the area described in the news as where the fire was.  So I wanted to
>>>> check up on exactly where the fire had burned on line this morning.  So
>>>> I do a simple basic Google Search for Auburn Fire Map.
>>>> Give it a try and see why I am now so hacked off at these scum of the
>>>> earth.
>>>> http://www.google.com/search?q=auburn+fire+map&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
>>>> I just clicked on the first link that came up and was presented with the
>>>> worst type of site.  Afterwards I looked closer at all the sites on the
>>>> list and I don't see a legitimate site on the list.
>>>> UHGGGG! To paraphrase the scion of the downtrodden, Charles Brown.

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