It's a couple of days later and I haven't looked yet. I will now, but I
dunno if the state will be the same....

 Being completely scanned is not necessarily protection by the way - I
picked up some pretty serious malware once on a site that allegedly spelled
out the interactions for coumadin, and I had up-to-date antivirus, spybot
and ad-aware. Hell, I picked up spyware the other week clicking on a link on
someone's Facebook, and I'm in the internet security business. Ad-Aware and
Avira did not pick up on it at all and I had to go download Spybot to get
rid of the popups.

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 10:02 AM, Erika L. Rich <> wrote:

> Dana. Not to be cheeky here... but it's not a browser hijack.
> How bout you take a screen shot searching on exactly what he did, in Google
> and show us how good your results are.
> Just so we're comparing apples and apples here and no apples and bananas.
> Here's mine for the record. And now, I no longer get News results when I
> did
> before...
> AND I include just a normal "auburn fire" search result too show you normal
> results ...
> AND I'm completely scanned and protected six ways from Sunday...
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Dana <> wrote:
> >
> > the first few are the san francisco and la papers. How long ago did you
> > click? Just wondering if we are looking at the same links. goign down a
> > bit.
> > You still see evil spam? You may have a browser hijack going...
> >
> >

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