The Wolf Blitzer interview I heard on the radio today when the kid
said that was so great.  The father was tapdancing his way around the
subject like crazy, but did nothing except further expose this for the
fraud it was.

I hope they bill the bastard for the entire cost of the "rescue
mission".  I am appalled that I am going to have to pay for this.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 7:37 AM, G Money <> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 7:59 PM, Rick Root <> wrote:
>> This family loves publicity and fame.  They love being watched and
>> being the center of attention.
>> Apparently, the FAMILY had a damn press conference after they found the
>> kid.
>> The kid did something bad, he hid in fear of punishment in the attic
>> for many hours, and they reward him by putting him on TV.
> The child said he heard his family calling for him.
> "Why didn't you come out?" his mom said.
> "Because you said we did this for a show" was his answer.
> Dad says he doesn't know what the kid's talking about. Right.
> I so f***ing hate reality TV, and the low life scumbags who inhabit it.
> --
> Show a little faith there's magic in the night
> You ain't a beauty but hey yer alright

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