In a way you only have yourself to blame. People do not want to spend
the extra money. Most companies are only following the dictates of
their customers.

That said, what would you rather spend, $50 for a new tire each year
or $300 for a tire that lasts 8 years. Most people would see $50 as
being cheaper than $300, even though over the long run they would save
$200 if they bought the more expensive longer lasting tire.

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 1:52 AM, Vivec <> wrote:
> Why would so many industrial designers document and explain how to
> design products so that they definitely fail after a specific time?
> The concept here is that if I do absolutely nothing with all the
> materials needed to make a Tire, the tire costs me 30 dollars to make,
> and will last 10 years.
> However if I modify a few of the materials the tire costs me 30
> dollars to make and will only last 1 year.
> I choose to modify the materials so that the tire exits the consumer
> chain faster and so that a consumer will need to purchase a new tire
> in 1 year instead of 10 to increase my sales.
> That's very different to the assumption that you make which is that it
> will cost less to make the tire that lasts 1 year.
> That is much closer to the reality of what Planned Obsolescences is
> and how the consumer encounters it.
> The concept of planned obsolescence implies that if the technology
> existed to create a tire that would last 15 years it would never be
> released.
> Opponents to this form of business are not arguing that from a purely
> Greed based business standpoint forcing customers to purchase new
> tires every year does not make sense.
> They are arguing that the planet cannot sustain this method of business.
> 2009/11/21 Gruss Gott <>:
>>> Cam wrote:
>>> Planned Obsolescence?  Sure that's real.
>> The whole concept shows a complete ignorance of economics.  Products
>> are made to sell to a price point, and the lower the price point, the
>> faster "mean time to failure" a product in going to have (in general).
>> Take tires.
>> I could've bought some chinese winter tires from a new importer for
>> $95/ea.  Instead I chose to Nokians which cost $220/ea.  Why?  Because
>> they'll last longer and are higher quality.  But lots of people are
>> buying the Chinese tires too.
>> That lady is an idiot or a con artist.  I'm going wit

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