> Mojo wrote:
> How to control rising costs is certainly a big issue of debate. I'd agree 
> with these points, but not sure this would even be enough. Let's throw in 
> some tort reform as well. And it's not like the bill doesn't attempt to deal 
> with rising costs by any means. For instance, many analysts believe that one 
> of the most contentious issues, a public plan, is one of the best things to 
> do to help control rising costs

Well those analysts are ignorant because Obama's own people will tell
you (and do weekly) that this bill has nothing to do with costs.

Getting the government into banking and insurance makes zero sense if,
for no other reason, than due to its horrific record of regulating
them to date.  So we're now going give them the whole industry???

The (intended or unintended) consequence of "a public option" will be
that small businesses will simply pay their 8% penalty and ditch
health insurance hassles.  Why wouldn't they?  And given the
government's low cost of capital and infinite debt capacity there's
really no "competition".  And since the bill pays for itself by partly
killing Medicare Advantage, the bill will kill private insurance.

That sounds like a great outcome to morons, but to people who
understand and desire financial freedom, destroying private health
care financing options is a disaster.


It does make some political sense (if not logical sense), because
there's no way Washington can take on the doctors.  They've been
trying since the 30s and they've always failed and the Docs have
already flexed their lobby this spring.

and you can count on one thing: if doctors win, tax payers lose.  And
when tax payers lose, they quit paying taxes one way or another.

So I guess if it were me, I'd design a new regulatory body to
completely redesign the rules for anybody in healthcare and I'd start
rolling them out quarterly.

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