On 12/17/2009 7:11 AM, morgan l wrote:
> I believe that's a reference to the mostly-useless and highly extraneous
> flash at the top of the page. It's clean and crisp, but much larger than it
> needs to be, and serves no true purpose but to shout "hey, we're cool, we've
> got flash on our site."

I recognize that I am an odd duck and a bit spoiled with my duel 19" 
wide screen monitors.  Which I have set to the maximum resolution 
supported by my card of 1024 by 1280.  But I turn them 90 degrees 
sideways so that is actually 1280 pixels top to bottom.  If I actually 
turn off all my tool bars on the browser I can see the entire home page 
of this Traffic site with no scrolling.

It really makes the wasted space at the top much less painful.  But you 
ain't going to find many users like me out there so it would be pretty 
silly to design your pages to my configuration.

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