As if the people who were already here didn't engage in genocide
themselves? For example in one ceremony the Aztecs ritually sacrificed
about 30,000 people from one conquered city state. And they had been
doing such things for generations. The Iroquois essentially
slaughtered the Hurons in the 1700's. Many tribes had ritual

So this person frankly is full of shiit.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 7:56 AM, Vivec <> wrote:
> I decided to post a topic that I didn't think would be controversial
> at all to start off the day.
> *waves*
> :-)
> "Avatar imaginatively revisits the crime scene of white America’s
> foundational act of genocide, in which entire native tribes and
> civilizations were wiped out by European immigrants to the American
> continent. In the film, a group of soldiers and scientists have set up
> shop on the verdant moon Pandora, whose landscapes look like a cross
> between Northern California’s redwood cathedrals and Brazil’s tropical
> rainforest. The moon’s inhabitants, the Na’vi, are blue, catlike
> versions of native people: They wear feathers in their hair, worship
> nature gods, paint their faces for war, use bows and arrows, and live
> in tribes. Watching the movie, there is really no mistake that these
> are alien versions of stereotypical native peoples that we’ve seen in
> Hollywood movies for dec

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