Frankly I thought that the author was being quite racist. he was
making a set of stereotypic assumptions based on someone's skin

As for the other part, the Aztecs were right up there with the Nazis
in terms of genocide. While the Spanish were not exactly innocent
either, the Aztec deserved what they got.

It pisses me off that some people condemn whites or Europeans while
blithely ignoring the culpability of the so called victims.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:28 AM, Vivec <> wrote:
>'ve zeroed in on one small part of the entire article.
> But let's go with that:
> So you are saying that because a person already commits a crime,
> should that person fall victim to the same crime it is justified?
> So..basically if I can prove that you stole someone's cell phone then
> I shouldn't be charged if I go ahead and steal yours?
> Take it one further, if the Amerindians fought amongst themselves and
> tribes killed off other tribes, it's quite alright for the Spanish to
> have come along and
> killed every man, woman and child?
> Therefore genocide by any group on the planet is justified, since at
> some point in history you can always point to ancestor's of their
> victims who themselves were involved in wars/genocide-there was
> nothing wrong with it?
> 2009/12/21 Larry C. Lyons <>:
>> As if the people who were already here didn't engage in genocide
>> themselves? For example in one ceremony the Aztecs ritually sacrificed
>> about 30,000 people from one conquered city state. And they had been
>> doing such things for generations. The Iroquois essentially
>> slaughtered the Hurons in the 1700's. Many tribes had ritual
>> cannibalism.

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