thought people would find this interesting comparison between the US
and Canadian systems. I think it shows how much the opponents of
health care reform have lied.

A tale of 2 insurance approaches
Patients line up on hospital beds outside a crowded emergency room at
Montreal's Sacre Coeur Hospital in 2002. Patients line up on hospital
beds outside a crowded emergency room at Montreal's Sacre Coeur
Hospital in 2002. (Paul Chiasson/Canadian Press)

When the United States Senate took a big step on Dec. 21, 2009,
towards approving the biggest-ever reform of the American health-care
system, it ensured that — for the most part — the way health care is
delivered would not change very much.

What was approved by the Senate — and the House of Representatives
before it — was not a march to Canadian-style "socialized medicine,"
but rules that would maintain the U.S. as the only industrialized
nation in the world without universal health-care coverage.

The countries that make up the World Health Organization adopted a
resolution in 2005 encouraging countries to develop health financing
systems that would provide universal health care, which it defined as
"securing access for all to appropriate promotive, preventive,
curative and rehabilitative services at an affordable cost."

What the United States and Canada have in common when it comes to
health care is that it is administered by insurance companies. In
Canada, those companies are public, funded by tax dollars and
controlled by the provinces and territories — like British Columbia,
Ontario and Nova Scotia.
Waiting times for some procedures may be longer in Canada, but you
won't be billed afterwards.

In the U.S., those companies are — for the most part — private
for-profit corporations that sell you or your employer coverage plans.
For those who are unemployed, there's Medicaid a government-run
insurance program that provides basic benefits to the very poor — only
if they meet certain eligibility requirements that vary from state to
state. For those over the age of 65, there's Medicare — another
government-run program that provides universal health care for
seniors, as long as they meet residency requirements and have paid
into the program. It does not cover the cost of prescription drugs or
vision and dental care. There are private options that offer that

In 2008, there were 43.6 million Americans under the age of 65 with no
health insurance. For most of them, their main option for care is to
go a hospital emergency department when they get sick. Under U.S.
federal law, a hospital must treat a person who shows up in the
emergency department, regardless of their ability to pay. The hospital
can bill the patient and try to collect.

You have to qualify for health-care coverage in Canada as well.
Normally you have to live in a province for three months to be
eligible. You have to be a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant. If
you're out of work, you're still covered for whatever services your
province insures.

Canada's 5 'pillars'

The Canada Health Act sets out the primary objective of health-care
policy across the country. That objective is "to protect, promote and
restore the physical and mental well-being of residents of Canada and
to facilitate reasonable access to health services without financial
or other barriers."

The federal government transfers money to each province or territory
to cover part of their health-care budget, as long as they meet the
following five criteria:

    * Public administration: provincial and territorial health
insurance plans must be administered and operated on a non-profit
basis by a public authority whose books are publicly audited.
    * Comprehensiveness: a health-care insurance plan of a province or
territory must cover all insured health services provided by
hospitals, physicians or dentists in a hospital setting. The services
of other health-care practitioners may be covered.
    * Universality: health insurance must be available to all who meet
residence requirements on uniform terms and conditions.
    * Portability: you're covered by your home province if you're in
another part of the country on business or on vacation.
    * Accessibility: you should have reasonable access to hospital,
medical and surgical-dental services on uniform terms and conditions —
and not be charged extra for insured services.

In the U.S., health care is administered by many for-profit insurance
companies. Canada's system is also based on insurance plans, but
they're administered by the provinces and territories.In the U.S.,
health care is administered by many for-profit insurance companies.
Canada's system is also based on insurance plans, but they're
administered by the provinces and territories. (iStock photo)

While it may take longer to access some of those services depending on
which part of the country you live in, you will eventually receive

Under the proposed changes in the United States, 30 million previously
uninsured people will join the ranks of the covered. Health insurance
would be mandatory — unless you had a religious objection. Anyone else
who declined to buy insurance would pay a fine. Low- and
moderate-income people would receive government subsidies to help pay
their insurance premiums.

It's estimated that as many as 18 million would still be without
health insurance. A third of them would be illegal immigrants.

Modified status quo?

Health insurance plans would still be administered by large
corporations. The Senate bill does not include a provision for a
government-run insurance company as an alternative to the private

Employers and people without coverage at work could buy plans in a
national exchange. But there would be some key changes: insurance
companies won't be able to deny coverage to people with pre-existing
conditions. Insurance companies would not be able to charge higher
premiums based on medical conditions or gender — and they would not be
able to set lifetime limits on health coverage.

Even with health-care reform in the United States, Americans will
still be paying substantial out-of-pocket expenses. Depending on the
details of the legislation that President Barack Obama signs, health
insurance may cover anywhere from 60 to 90 per cent of a patient's

The American Medical Association has come out in favour of both pieces
of legislation, saying the changes will improve choice and access to
affordable health insurance coverage and eliminate denials based on
pre-existing conditions.

One of the key goals of reforming the American health-care system is
to get costs under control. Health insurance premiums have been rising
much faster than incomes have grown and — depending on which study you
believe — administrative costs eat up anywhere from 12 to 31 per cent
of all money spent on health care in the United States.

The U.S. spends more on health care ($7,439 per person in 2007) than
any country on the planet — yet fails to deliver consistent care to
about 15 per cent of the population.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in August
2003 found that the U.S. was spending a lot more than Canada on
health-care administration — and that the gap grew from $307 per
capita in 1999 to $759 per capita in 2003. The study concluded that
the U.S. could save a lot of money by adopting a Canadian-style
health-care system.

On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
> Isn't that the definition of  the big lie technique?
> On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 12:39 PM, denstar <> wrote:
>> Palin is a bastion of facts and knowledge.  Up there with Dan Quayle
>> and Bush 43.
>> Do you really think that if you repeatedly use words in a certain
>> manner, it will change the definition of the words?
>> Oh, yeah.  NM.
>> Carry on!  =)
>> --
>> Good means not merely not to do wrong, but rather not to desire to do wrong.
>> Democritus
>> On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Sam wrote:
>>> So you're saying Palin wasn't lying?
>>> More on the life panels and rationing of health care:
>>> What Doctors and Patients Have to Lose Under ObamaCare
>>> Changes to Medicare will give the feds control of surgical decisions.

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