> Sam wrote:
> How about you listen this time and maybe even write it down because
> I've told you ten times already.

My paper is empty because you're offered nothing, just said some vague
things about global politics.

You need to have a global proposal and so far yours is "nothing".
Now, shifting to the off-topic points you made ...

Your point about China and India (and the US) is a good one.  It's
exactly why we're going to run out of liquid fuels soon: US usage is
flat or even declining some while China and India are on exponential
growth.  Soon the oil market will implode from these pressures.

When that happens there's a good scenario and a bad one.

The good one is that the US becomes the World's new Saudi Arabia due
to our natural gas supplies.  That is, despite the massive costs,
global truck and car fleets switch over to natural gas (with clean
diesel in the meantime) and even hybrid natural gas.

This second point, hybrid natural gas, will be needed because the
electrical and heating supply will need a full shift to coal and
natural gas as well while we wait the 15 years for new nuke plants to
come online.  (except France who already has them).

Hybrids can take advantage of the cheaper hard line electricity
supplies thus lowering needs for liquid fuels.

Of course the bad scenario is that we wait until a crisis to do
anything, but by then the economic pain is so intense that law and
order breaks down for some long (5-10 years?) period of time.  That,
of course, makes building new infrastructure that much harder thus
leaving large pieces of the US (and World) as lawless zones with
little to no infrastructure and creating massive migrations to urban

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