On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:
> If June rolled around and Verizon offered both the Droid and the
> iPhone and their unlimited plans were $30 a month cheaper? That's
> pretty much game over for AT&T. They have to hold on to what they
> have.

Not really...  you can't take a AT&T iPhone (GSM) and operate it on
the Verizon network (CDMA). I don't think it would be game over, not
in any immediate sense.  And definitely not since they have reduced
their rates.

I definitely agree that they are doing it to be more competitive with
Verizon and maybe even preemptively reducing the rate knowing there
may be a Verizon iPhone coming out soon.

This show that competition is good.  Exclusive contracts are not.



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