I LOVE the new high-tech CTU. I don't care if none of it is or will
ever be possible....I LOVE it.

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Casey Dougall
<ca...@uberwebsitesolutions.com> wrote:
> Not a bad start to the season,
> Nice bunker style office CTU has now... The drive in entrance reminds me of
> the escalators you take slacking your way down to the metro in DC. I swear
> those are setup so you could drop the escalators out and launch missiles!
> Drones traversing city streets is interesting, I wasn't thinking we haven't
> stooped to that level yet but it makes sense... Well, IF we have enough
> defense funds to support them. I know it's a TV series but you gotta think.
> At 10 million + per drone, that's one hell of a costly defense network,
> where they getting the cash?
> Zoey is still one chick I'd love to slap the pouty, winy face off of but
> outside of that, shaping up nicely.
> Only problem with this show is, well you need to wait till next week to see
> what's going on next...

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