The first thing to know is whether or not OWA works over non-SSL (HTTP) 
connections.  Test this from the server itself.  If you keep getting prompted 
for credentials when browsing from the server itself, that fails after three 
attempts with a 401.1, then you can try from another machine (which may work) 
or disable the loopback adapter check (follow kb 896861).

If OWA is browasable over HTTP, then you know that the SSL certificate is 
broken.  Keep in mind that a broken certificate (usually noted by the lack of a 
statement at the bottom of the certificate itself when viewed on the server 
"There is a private key associated with this certificate) will not allow the 
HTTPS connection to take place and therefore you will see a "Page Cannot Be 
Displayed" message when viewed in IE.

You can remove the certificate and add a new one to fix the problem, or attempt 
to fix the existing certificate by rebinding it to the private key on the 
server (see kb 889651)

If HTTP is not working, then you may need to uninstall/reinstall IIS and then 
reconnect the Exchange connector with the Disaster Recover wizard - I'm not an 
Exchange guy but I found kb 922247 which might help.

- Matt Small

>I need someone's help with exchange 2007. I've already tried articles from
>MS knowledgebase/technet and experts exchange. The last thing they said was
>rebuild server.
>Problem is the standard ssl cert that server 2008 installs expired so
>instead of my employee telling the outlook clients to accept any cert to get
>rid of the pop up he follow a technet on how to renew a generic cert in this
>process all of exchange web mail services in IIS are dead. They show up but
>all I get is page cannot be displayed on all of them. I've run all the
>remove from iis and exchange shell commands, run the rebuild scripts with
>redoing theurls and form authentication and several variations. The sites
>are in IIS but I get nothing internal or external.  I need this for a group
>of 12 people that work outside and use OWA/Exchangeweb.
>So the last comment I got on expert exchange was to follow this technet that
>said remove exchange 2007 server, remove IIS services and restart from
>Anyone got a hack to make this work without taking a chance I can't import
>my mail store because of a rebuild?? 

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