On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Larry C. Lyons <larrycly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Another source of historical temperature data are in the log files of
> various British and American naval ships. That data goes back at least
> a couple of centuries. Not only is temperature recorded but the ship's
> position and typically other weather observations. From the articles
> I've read about it, there also have been a corresponding temperature
> increase over this time period.

Are you charging global warming based on water temperatures from
moving ships? You are familiar with ocean oscillations right?

> so in other words you're so called hide the decline as proof is simple
> ignorance.

Unless you read how they were hiding the decline. I'm guessing you didn't.

> You still have not answered my comments about using 1, 3, 5 and 10
> year multiple moving averages for temperature measurements - that
> methodology minimizes very small variations and shows long term
> trending more accurately.

You asked me that in bizzaro world. You need to re-ask it here.

You got real quit about the IPCC when I mentioned Africa and the
Amazon. Still researching it?

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