You do remember the "hide the decline?"
Those numbers were changed to make it look like it's warmer, the temps
actually dropped last decade.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 1:35 AM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
>> RoMunn wrote:
>> That's not true, and it goes to the heart of why I have objected to the
>> "science" from the start.
> And yet we still had the warmest decade in *at least* 130 years.
> That duration happens to be over double the statistical amount
> necessary to declare a decade-over-decade trend known as "special
> cause" variation.
> In other words, if you graph it out we're climbing an extremely steep
> hill that is higher than every other charted variation for that
> period.
> So whether the IPCC is high on doobies or not, shits warming up homey.
> But I agree that you'll need to practice that IPCC story for your children.
> Cause they're going to ask you why you didn't shit about a trend that
> was double the statistical requirement.

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