big problem with her however... she does country.

end of story.

the wo most contemptible types of music in my opinion are country and opera.

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Maureen <> wrote:
> Have you listened to Fearless?  It's a great album.  Strong songs, and
> flawless production.  You might not like Taylor, but she's a great
> artist, and one hell of a songwriter, especially for her age.  She has
> won almost every award she was nominated for in the last year, and
> while the Kanye factor brought some publicity, remember she was
> getting an award when that incident happened - one where she beat out
> Beyonce.
> The Grammies are never going to please everyone.  I remember the year
> Bonnie Raitt won for Nick of Time and everyone was scandalized because
> she won over Don Henley.
> I was just thrilled that Steve Martin won the Bluegrass Album.  But
> you should hear the bitching and moaning about it on the Bluegrass
> lists.
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 7:37 AM, Medic <> wrote:
>> Taylor Swift... best album? Are you f**king joking me? Where the hell is
>> Kanye when you need him? What a joke. I honestly think she can thank Mr.West
>> for that award. If he hadn't jumped on stage at the MVA's and got the whole
>> world feeling sorry for her she never would've won this. Better than
>> Beyonce's and BEP's? No f**king chance. Horrible, just horrible.

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