On 2/4/2010 9:47 AM, Jerry Johnson wrote:
> The trick is to get a GOOD diabetic doctor who specializes in diabetes.

Good advice, as it just occured to me that he may want to get a good 
second opinion that it is actually Type I and not Type II.  Some doctors 
that do not specialize in diabetes put too much emphasis in the age of 
the patient in choosing between Type I and Type II.  Type I (Juvenile) 
is theoretically genetic based, and he theoretically has always had an 
under|improperly preforming pancreas.  Type II (Adult) is theoretically 
diet cause where one's lifestyle has over taxed the bodies ability to 
regulate blood sugar.  There has been an increase in ever younger people 
developing Type II, but if the doctor just assumes that since your 
nephew is under 40 it must be Type I, it could be an improper diagnosis.

Type II can sometimes be cured by improvement in life style and diet.  
Even if not cured it can still be treated with oral medications rather 
then insulin shots.

Type I is not completely cured by improvements in life style or diet, 
though they help greatly, and will always be treated with insulin shots 
not just oral medications.

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